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Judges' Review2024/05/20–2024/05/30

Global Voting2024/05/31–2024/06/06


Create Our Ptopia: A Co-Creation Contest for Dreamers and Visionaries
You can make your designs actually be on the game and be seen by players all around the world
Grab your piece of the US $100,000 prize pool!

  • Halloweeks
  • April Fools
  • Snow Fest
  • Valentine's Day
  • Christmas
  • Adorable Animals
  • Fire
  • Clown
  • Suit
  • Wedding Dress
  • Skeleton
  • Vampire
  • Egypt
  • Fairy
  • Angel
  • Tarot
  • Queen
  • Military
  • Constellation
  • Time & Space
  • Zombie
  • Atlantis Legend
  • Battle Mecha/Smart Robot Invasion
  • Apocalypse/Dystopia
  • Cyber Legends/Tech Powers
  • Norse Mythology/Ice Age

US $5,000 or equivalent gift card.

The creation has a chance to be added to the game and get officially verified.

Join the official creative team.

P.D.P. Exclusive Avatar Frame.

Elite Co-Creator Planner Title (30d)

P.D.P. Mythic Item of your choice

US $2,000 or equivalent gift card.

The creation has a chance to be added to the game and get officially verified.

Join the official creative team.

P.D.P. Exclusive Avatar Frame.

Veteran Co-Creator Planner Title (30d)

P.D.P. Mythic Item of your choice

US $1,000 or equivalent gift card.

The creation has a chance to be added to the game and get officially verified.

Join the official creative team.

P.D.P. Exclusive Avatar Frame.

P.D.P. Exclusive Avatar Frame.

Veteran Co-Creator Planner Title (30d)

P.D.P. Mythic Item of your choice

US $300 or equivalent gift card.

The creation has a chance to be added to the game and get officially verified.

Join the official creative team.

P.D.P. Exclusive Avatar Frame.

Rookie Co-Creator Planner Title (30d)

P.D.P. Legendary Item of your choice

US $500 or equivalent gift card.

The creation has a chance to be added to the game and get officially verified.

Join the official creative team.

P.D.P. Exclusive Avatar Frame.

Rookie Co-Creator Planner Title (30d)

P.D.P. Legendary Item of your choice

Join the official creative team.

P.D.P. Epic Item of your choice

The PUBG MOBILE Ptopia Design Project (PDP) is a collaboration between the world's best designers to produce outstanding game content for players all over the world.

During the period, players can tap Submit on the event page, fill out the form, and submit their entries. Please fill it out using real information. After submitting, players can promote their entries with the hashtags #PUBGMPDP #PUBGMFANART #PUBGMCREATIVE #5THGLOBALDESIGNCONTEST on social media. This will not affect evaluation but can be used to gather votes. The organizer randomly picks entries to share.
1. Sub-Themes: Please choose one of the following sub-themes for your entry. It can be one that you particularly like, or one in which you excel. Classic Holidays New
2. Participants must submit the design of an outfit + any small item (such as throwable, backpack, helmet, pendant, etc.)
3. Design Specifications: Any design software can be used, and creators must keep all source files for all submissions. Submissions must be complete and comply with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations in addition to being completely and entirely original and not plagiarized. Be sure to download and follow the specifications in the templates provided for each category. Each category's template is different. Also, please read the design requirements on the "Contest Specifications" page and be sure to follow them in addition to conforming to the templates. Entries should be JPG files (1920x1080, RGB). Character models and poses will be provided.
4. Judging Criteria: A. Originality: The design must be unique, creative, imaginative, novel, and express a fully-realized design idea. B. PUBG MOBILE Style: The design's aesthetics and expressive ideas must fit in well with PUBG MOBILE. It must not be too similar to existing designs in PUBG MOBILE or in other games, while also ensuring that the final art style is not too different from PUBG MOBILE's style.
Tap to view all the rules of the event.


Judges' Review2024/05/20–2024/05/30

Global Voting2024/05/31–2024/06/06


1. Outfit Category:

Please download the design template for outfit submissions. Present the outfit's front view, side view, and back view, include the design details as specified, and fill in the design inspiration.

Specifications: Image Size: 1920x1080. Image Format: JPG. File Size: ≤10MB.

1. Cash Prizes:

Grab your piece of the US $100,000 prize pool!

2. Designs Incorporated into the Game:

Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Outstanding Award-winning designs will be incorporated into the game.

Award-winning designs can be added to the game, but they must meet the design requirements and get final approval from the official team.

3. Join the P.D.P. Team:

The P.D.P. official creative team already has 300 outstanding creators. Joining the team grants the title of PUBG MOBILE official verified creator, and provides access to the P.D.P. creator community for infinite inspiration.

4. Continued Personal Exposure:

P.D.P. will continuously report on the popularity voting, winner announcements, in-game design incorporation, and other key events. If creators are willing, P.D.P. will continuously promote the personal brands of award recipients.

1. Judge Selection:

The 5th Global Design Contest will invite art directors, video game producers, operations specialists, marketing specialists, designers, and official design team members to collaborate on judging the submissions.

2. Judging Process:

A. How will the winners be chosen?

There will be two rounds of judging: shortlisting and final judgment. The organizing committee and the official creative team will choose about 500 submissions for the shortlist, after which the official judges will select the prize winners.

B. How will the Popularity Award winners be chosen?

Selection Rules: The person that receives the most votes from players in-game will win a reward.

Copyright Policy:

All competitors should have the exclusive, complete, clear, and undisputed copyright for their submission(s). Submissions may not be authorized for commercial use by any entity aside from PUBG MOBILE (compensated or uncompensated). Submissions must be original creations and not copied or plagiarized from others, nor can the copyright of a submission be transferred to or from a third party. Submissions must not infringe on the rights of any third parties, including intellectual property, personality, privacy, or other rights. All legal responsibility for any dispute caused by violation of the above conditions will be borne by the competitor, and will not be borne by the event host or organizers. The event organizer has the right to require contestants to return all prizes or other benefits and to pursue possible losses to the organizer or affiliated companies.

The copyright of all submissions that win a Gold, Silver, Bronze, Outstanding, or Popularity Award will be held by the event host. The event host and affiliated companies will have the right to use and develop the submissions for global commercial use, modification, distribution, sale, and use in marketing or distribution (on platforms including but not limited to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok), or authorize its partners to exercise the aforementioned rights, without notification to the creators of the submissions.

Participant Eligibility:

All players, designers, and creators from around the world are eligible to compete. Submissions that have received awards in other competitions will be removed immediately upon discovery.

Contest Channels:

The contest can be entered via the PUBG MOBILE 5th Global Design Contest official website, the in-game event page, or any official cooperating platform.

Data Collection:

We collect user data to provide better services to all users. Collected data may include your username (Nickname), country or city, email address, phone number, login information (UID), gender, age group, and all submissions and submission descriptions, including the submission category. Your username, email address, and phone number will be used to contact you effectively; gender and age information will be used for contest statistics that will allow us to optimize the user experience and provide better services.

Set Design Specifications

Key content: Avoid causing confusion with in-game items, disrupting the game's balance, and using designs that are easily spotted.


To avoid causing confusion, the top is refrained from having a design that is too similar to the vest in the game.


To avoid blending into the surroundings and affecting the balance of the game, designs for special outfits and sets with plant decorations must have distinctive colors.


If earrings are included, they may not exceed 1/3 the size of the ear. If the design has long hair, ensure that the hair does not clip through the outfit or backpack.


The height of the headpiece should remain within the blue range to avoid hitting the roofs of vehicles.

Event Objective:
The PUBG MOBILE Ptopia Design Project (P.D.P.) is a collaboration between the world's best designers to produce outstanding game content for players all over the globe. More P.D.P. Details
