Snow Rail
Ride the brand-new Snow Rail that runs through the Snowy Village and experience unprecedented high-speed travel. Use the dash skill while on the rail to accelerate. Jump into the air to switch to a different rail or explore hidden elevated spots. At the same time, cleverly use the rail to evade pursuing enemies during critical moments. However, only the Snowball Blaster can be used on the Snow Rail. Other firearms and items cannot be used.
New Weapon: Snowball Blaster
A new weapon that balances practicality and fun. Once equipped, it takes up the Pistol slot. The Snowball Blaster has the following features:
Snowpile Cover: Shoot at the environment to create cover made of snow.
Lively Snowpal Gameplay: Shoot at players to turn them into Lively Snowpals and limit their movements.
Freeze Water: Fire at water surfaces to temporarily freeze it, after which it can be walked across.
Embrace the new firearm that will enhance your combat prowess. There's a higher chance to obtain the new firearm and items in Snowy Village! Hurry to the Snowy Village and experience a new way of battling!
Search for Snow Toddlers
In the Snowy Village, there are some adorable Snow Toddlers that need your help. Complete the Search for Snow Toddlers mission to help the Lucky Snowman reunite with their missing companions, and receive great rewards in return. This is a fun-filled mission that will bring you joy and excitement.
The Lucky Snowman is anxiously searching for Snow Toddlers in the Snowy Village. Meanwhile, four Snow Toddlers can be found within a certain range.
Search for Snow Toddlers: After finding a Snow Toddler, players can get close to interact with it. The Snow Toddler will start following the player. When the player brings the Snow Toddler to the Lucky Snowman, they will stay by the Lucky Snowman's side.
Snowman's Gift: When all the Snow Toddlers are brought to the Lucky Snowman, it will give a performance and leave behind a crate.
Unique Vehicle
Snowboard: Players can carry it with them. Unfold it to use it as a one-person vehicle. It can glide on any surface and use the cover created by Snowball Blasters as a ramp to increase jump height and distance.
Reindeer: A wooden 2-seat vehicle well adapted to all kinds of terrain. It mainly spawns near themed buildings.
Snow Blast Zone
Watch out for the changes in the Red Zones! Players who get hit by snow bombs will turn into Lively Snowpals. Snowpile Cover appears where it strikes the ground. In this unique Red Zone, you must be even more quick-witted in battle.
Exclusive December Easter Egg
Available: 2023/12/12 at 2:00 (UTC+0)–2024/1/7 at 20:59 (UTC+0)
Sleigh: A 2-seat vehicle that can hover and fly at low altitudes and is powered by magic. It spawns near the Snowy Village in December.
Flying Reindeer: When the Reindeer and Sleigh are joined together, it becomes a Flying Reindeer. Magic propels it into the air to a height of about 5 meters and it transforms into a 4-seat vehicle. The driver and passengers can swap seats across the front and back. This vehicle can ascend as high as 10 meters in the air.
Search for Surprise Stockings in houses and shoot the presents on Festive Trees to get fabulous supplies. You may even get an unexpected surprise.
WOW Feature Updates
New Co-Create Space: Quickly access WOW-related information, including strategies, excellent creations, events, and more.
Security Review Improvements: Improved the report page. Added the security review scope and violation penalty details.
Status Display Improvements: Added friends' status, creations, and more.
Creation Feedback Improvements: Creators can share creation feedback, leave comments, set up comment settings, and more.
Editor Improvements
New Gameplay Devices
Character EXP Device: Add in-creation Character EXP and Levels.
Grouped Object Action Device: Allows Creators to dynamically load and unload grouped objects.
Special Effect Device: Add several types of special effects. Creators can set the conditions to trigger the special effects.
Gameplay Device Improvements
Buff Management Device: Allows Creators to customize buff effects. Added 5 new buffs (Battleground Savior, Field Doctor, Frenzy Feast, Freeze, and Grenade Guru).
Timing Device: Added a timer UI display and more.
Audio Device: Added new sound effects, voiceprints, and more.
Skill Management Device: Added skills related to transformation gameplay (Transform, Rapid Smoke Grenade, Rapid Stun Grenade, Position Lock, Detection Zone).
PvE Enemy Spawn Device: Added 3 PvE enemies (Mutant, Berserker, and Ripper).
PvE Enemy Spawn Device: Now supports editing enemy vision.
AI Spawn Device: Capture trigger player information after all AI bots are eliminated.
Motorcycle Spawn Device: Added Snowmobile and Snowbike.
Added a new knockback effect to the Super Color Bazooka. Shoot at your feet to perform a super jump or shoot opponents to send them flying.
Game Parameter Settings
Multi-Round Elimination Setting: Provides eliminations in multiple rounds of a single match.
All Player Voice Chat and Text Chat
Block Player Damage Feature
Custom Buffs: Allows creators to customize buff attributes and effects.
Added character level related settings.
Multiple-Choice Decision Device Configurations: Provides editing options for multiple-choice content.
If the performance test fails, a notice will show when saving.
Auto Translate feature for in-match custom text.
Editor Improvements
Increased the max performance load limit for creations to 20,000.
Group Editing: Form a team to edit creations together.
Grouped Object Editor Improvements: Selection display, selection changes, group names.
Screenshot Editor Improvement: Provides multi-angle shooting.
Area Grid Placement: Improved object alignment.
Object Operations Improvements: Adjusted and improved the selection effect for large building prefabs.
Playtest Settings: Assign teams and fill with AI bots.
Editor Page Improvements: Improved gameplay device interactions, linking detectable actions, and more.
Decorative & Building Objects
Added Frost Festival decorative objects (such as Festive Tree, snow wall, stone pillar, etc.).
Added castle prefabs (such as castle spire, castle gate, castle wall, etc.).
Added some PMGC-related elements and objects.
Large Building Prefabs: Added bottom collisions to resolve the issue of getting shot from below.
New Map Template Introduction
Hide and Seek Gameplay Template
Players are divided into Hiders and Seekers. Hiders must transform and disguise themselves as objects on the map to hide from Seekers. Meanwhile, Seekers must find all the Hiders! In this intense and exhilarating gameplay, which faction will emerge as the ultimate winner? Join now and let's find out together!
Snowy Village Map Template
The aurora, snow-capped mountains, and village form the unique scenery of this template. Players can utilize the two slopes of the snow-capped mountains to create gameplay such as high-speed downhill and obstacle snowboarding. The Snowy Village at the foot of the mountain is teeming with a festive atmosphere, making it the ideal place for creating casual-competitive gameplay.
Battle Isle (Template by an Outstanding Creator)
Battle Isle offers a dynamic and diverse gaming experience, making it perfect for a fast-paced team deathmatch. Furthermore, the map design provides players with ample chances for ambush and encourages strategic combat. Whether you prefer close-quarters combat or strategic battles, Battle Isle can meet your creative needs.
Zombie Station (Template by an Outstanding Creator)
Zombie Station is designed for 2 players. Your goal is to work together with your teammate to unlock various rooms and secret passages, and ultimately rescue the hostage captured by zombies. You may need to shoot at certain hidden locations or enter colored areas to open the doors. Some secret spots are hidden from view, so be sure not to miss any details! If you accidentally eliminate the hostage instead of saving them, the mission will fail. You have 60 minutes to complete the stage.
Beta Creation Gameplay Overview
Hide and Seek Gameplay: Players are divided into Hiders and Seekers. Hiders must transform and disguise themselves as objects on the map to hide from Seekers. Meanwhile, Seekers must find all the Hiders.
Sky Control: The new Super Color Bazooka can now fire knockback projectiles. Use it to send your enemies flying off the clouds!
Gold Rush: The new Super Color Bazooka can now fire knockback projectiles. Use it to blast enemies away to grab as many Gold Coins as you can to win the match.
Bazooka Parkour: The Super Color Bazooka can now fire knockback projectiles. Shoot at your feet to perform a super jump. Use this feature to enjoy a thrilling parkour battle with items. Get in the way of enemies by sending them flying for maximum fun!
Snowboard Descent: From the top of Snowy Village, use the Snowboard to race to the bottom. The winner gets to dominate the snowfield.
Flying Reindeer Circuit: The mid-version update lets you combine the Reindeer and Sleigh to form the Flying Reindeer vehicle. Race your rivals in the sky!
Match Settings
Default Melee Weapon Selection: The melee weapon carried by default can be chosen in the settings. Players can choose between a machete and a dagger.
Custom SFX Adjustments: Players can adjust the volume of some in-game SFX to a certain extent for better focus.
Creation Mode
Quick Camera: When performing Victory Dance after winning a match, players can tap the button to go into a dynamic view to better experience the performance.
Quick Fireworks View: After lighting fireworks, players can enter Creation Mode and automatically switch to a good viewing angle with one tap.
Winter Performance: Added a new Frozen Kingdom themed performance that can be viewed in Creation Mode.
Animation & Camera Improvements
Bolt-Action Animation Improvements: Improved the 3rd person view of the bolt-action animations to provide smoother and more coordinated gun handling. Applies to the following firearms: Kar98K, M24, AWM, Mosin-Nagant, Win94, S1897, and DBS.
Reload Animation Improvements: Improved the animation transition between loading the ammo and the bolt-action animation for the following firearms: Kar98K and Win94. Improved the reload animation when lying prone for the following firearms: Kar98K and Mosin-Nagant.
New 90 FPS Supported Devices
Added 90 fps mode for the following devices: Huawei Mate 60 Pro and Huawei Mate 60 .
Available: 2023/11/14 at 2:00 (UTC+0)–2024/01/13 at 23:59 (UTC+0)
New Legendary Items: C5S15 Glasses, C5S15 Set, C5S15 Parachute, C5S15 Mask, C5S15 Cover, C5S15 - SKS.
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※ 台灣遊戲代理:熱酷科技有限公司
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