All of PUBG MOBILE's firearms are at your disposal. Let the inspiration flow for players worldwide! Get the ideas flowing and design your exclusive firearm finish. Let as many players see your designs as possible!
Ptopia Design Project is a collaboration between the world's best designers to produce outstanding game content for players all over the world.
Upgraded Firearms
Get focused!
There are infinite possibilities when designing a firearm finish from scratch!
Other Firearms
You have total freedom!
Pick up your favorite firearm and design it however you like!
1 winner for Upgraded Firearms, and Other Firearms respectively
Judges' Selection
Winning firearm finishes will be added to the game
US $2,000 or equivalent gift card
P.D.P Exclusive Avatar Frame
Become part of PUBG MOBILE's official creative group
1 winner for Upgraded Firearms, and Other Firearms respectively
Global Voting Event Champion
Winning firearm finishes will be added to the game
US $2,000 or equivalent gift card
P.D.P Exclusive Avatar Frame
Become part of PUBG MOBILE's official creative group
upgraded firearms/other firearms - 3 winners each
Judges' Selection
Winning firearm finishes will be added to the game
US $1,000 or equivalent gift card
P.D.P Exclusive Avatar Frame
Become part of PUBG MOBILE's official creative group
upgraded firearms/other firearms - 4 winners each
Global Voting Event Rank
US $500 or an equivalent gift card
P.D.P Exclusive Avatar Frame
Become part of PUBG MOBILE's official creative group
upgraded firearms/other firearms - 5 winners each
Global Voting Event Rank
US $300 or equivalent gift card
P.D.P Exclusive Avatar Frame
Become part of PUBG MOBILE's official creative group
All shortlisted entries in the global finals
P.D.P Exclusive Avatar Frame
P.D.P. Set
During the contest period, players should find the Submit Now button on the main page to fill out the form and submit your entry. Please provide your real information. Every player account is limited to two contest entries.
Submissions will not affect the judging and are only used as a form of promotion during the global voting phase. The official team will also share random entries.
The official PUBG MOBILE team will review entries according to the criteria during the competition.
The shortlisted entries from each region will be voted on by players in-game with the most voted entry winning the Popularity Award.
Official artists and guest experts will review all nominated firearm designs and choose 2 for the Global Best Creation and 6 for the Global Creative Award. At that time, all winning firearm designs will be announced.
For the Global Arms Design Contest, PUBG MOBILE's art directors, game producers, operations team, marketing team, and public relations team will be invited to judge players' entries.
The judging criteria are as follows:
Whether the work is original
Creativity of the design (Entries are assessed in terms of their artistic and narrative expression, compatibility with PUBG MOBILE and more.)
Actual in-game quality. {Avoid displaying any controversial images. Avoid overt cultural stereotypes, religious imagery, anything politically related, sensitive topics, signs of wear and abrasion, or brand logos.(numbers, copyrighted images, rainbow flags, illuminati symbols, first aid cross symbols, real life military images such as uniforms)}
Uniqueness from existing firearm finishes of other games
01 Read the detailed rules by following the link and download the design template. (There are two versions: one for upgraded firearms and one for other firearms)
02 Design the firearm finish according to the requirements of the template. (Note: You are designing a firearm finish and not changing the model of the firearm)
03 Fill in the template with your nickname, game ID, design name, designs and schematic images of your work from various perspectives, and design concept.
04 Size: 500 KB–10 MB. Format: JPG or PNG. Other dimensions must match the template.
05 Upload the entry on this page.
! PUBG MOBILE Creative does not tolerate plagiarized artwork. Should you be found to be using other people's' work for any contest, you will be disqualified from the event and banned from all future events.If it is confirmed that a submission has violated the rules, it will be removed immediately. PUBG MOBILE does not tolerate any rule violations.
Designing the finish
Convert the design file into a recognizable format
PUBG mobile
View existing firearm finishes to get inspired
To help players design the best firearm finish possible, PUBG MOBILE will launch a special tutorial video to encourage more participation in the Contest.
Judges Review
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Customer Support:
Partnership Inquiry:
※ 台灣遊戲代理:熱酷科技有限公司
※ 本遊戲部分內容涉及性、暴力,依遊戲分級管理辦法分類為輔 15 級。
※ 遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣,物品等付費服務。
※ 未成年或無行為能力人,需由法定代理人同意後方得使用本遊戲服務。
※ 請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷,長時間遊玩容易影響作息,宜適度休息及運動,且遊戲虛擬情節請勿模仿。
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