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At PUBG MOBILE, we believe that gaming has the power to create real-world impact and drive real-world change. As part of the Green Game Jam, organised by Playing For The Planet, an initiative facilitated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), we’ve launched the Play for Green campaign — an initiative that blends the immersive world of PUBG MOBILE with a mission to protect our planet. Through a series of in-game events and new content, such as the Ruins of Erangel map series, a new World of Wonder (WoW) mode, and the Run for Green in-game event, we are turning gameplay into a powerful tool for environmental action.
As part of our commitment to the environment, PUBG MOBILE has partnered with three conservation projects that work tirelessly to protect and preserve some of the most vulnerable ecosystems on our planet. These areas are vital carbon sinks and biodiversity hotspots, and by protecting them, we aim to raise awareness of their global importance. Each of these projects has been carefully selected for their profound impact on the environment and their communities.
Upon reaching the Run for Green goals by our players, we're taking concrete steps to address climate change by purchasing and retiring 10,500 tons of verified carbon credits, equally distributed across three critical projects. Upon reaching our campaign goals in WOW mode, we’ll double this commitment, retiring an additional 10,500 tons of carbon credits on behalf of the global community. Importantly, these credits will not be used for corporate offsetting by PUBG MOBILE or Tencent, but instead represent our dedication to real-world climate action.
Carbon credits are a powerful tool for combating climate change. Each credit represents one metric ton of carbon dioxide (CO2e) either reduced, removed, or prevented from entering the atmosphere through verified projects like forest conservation or deforestation prevention. By retiring these credits, we ensure they can’t be used again, making a permanent reduction in global CO2 levels. This process helps fund impactful climate projects, contributing to global climate change mitigation and helping to protect the future of our planet.
The three projects selected—ranging from Brazil’s Cerrado Biome, Indonesia’s Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve, to Pakistan’s Delta Blue Carbon— are supported by PUBG MOBILE’s Play for Green campaign.
The Cerrado Biome Project, developed by ERA Assessoria e Projetos Ambientais e Agrícolas Ltda., is an avoided grassland conversion project encompassing 11,509 hectares in Central Brazil's biodiverse savannah landscape. The Cerrado biome, a mix of forest, savannah, and grassland, harbors 5% of the world's species and 30% of Brazil's, with many facing threats. Known as an "inverted forest" for its deep-rooted vegetation storing carbon, the Cerrado has suffered significant losses to agriculture and ranching. To combat this, the project incentivizes native land conservation by offering landowners carbon payments comparable to commercial agriculture profits. Landowners commit to 30-year preservation agreements, benefiting from surveillance, fire management, agroforestry programs, and ecotourism initiatives. These efforts support both conservation and socioenvironmental well-being for local communities and biodiversity. Established in 2018, ERA Assessoria e Projetos Ambientais e Agrícolas Ltda. focuses on environmental protection and improved farming practices in Brazil. They connect investors with landowners to conserve and restore land, safeguarding habitats and benefiting local populations.
The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve Project, developed by InfiniteEARTH, spans 64,977 hectares of peatland in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. This project safeguards the world's largest privately funded orangutan sanctuary in partnership with Orangutan Foundation International. Acting as a crucial buffer between palm oil plantations and Tanjung Puting National Park (TPNP), the project protects one of the last wild orangutan populations. Rimba Raya prevents deforestation that would release significant greenhouse gasses from peat deposits. The project actively involves local communities in maintaining nurseries, purchasing and planting over 74,800 seedlings to date. Rimba Raya is also the first project globally certified under the SD Vista program for achieving all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. It emphasizes reducing human-wildlife conflict without jeopardizing community livelihoods. Initiatives include capacity building, micro-finance, and improved healthcare. By providing training and employment through conservation efforts, the project offers alternative job opportunities. Improved agricultural practices and agroforestry further reduce deforestation pressure. Rimba Raya's holistic approach addresses social issues, enhancing the well-being of local communities. InfiniteEARTH, a Hong Kong-based developer, specializes in conserving forests and national parks through buffer zones. They focus on alleviating poverty, a major driver of deforestation, through their sustainability solutions.
The Delta Blue Carbon – 1 Project (DBC-1), a mangroves and wetlands afforestation and restoration project, is located in Pakistan's Indus River Delta, covering 350,000 hectares. Developed through a partnership between The Sindh Forest and Wildlife Department and Indus Delta Capital Limited, DBC-1 focuses on restoring the world's largest arid climate mangroves, a critical habitat facing threats from fuelwood collection, fodder harvesting, and open-range grazing.The project area supports over 42,000 people in 60 coastal villages, most living in poverty and lacking access to basic necessities. Their livelihoods, primarily agriculture and fishing, are strained by increasing soil salinity. DBC-1 aims to alleviate these issues by regenerating over 224,000 hectares of mangroves and involving local communities through Mangrove Stewardship Agreements, making them partners in conservation and sustainable management.The project also strives to improve access to clean water, education, and healthcare, strengthen law enforcement, develop community businesses, offer microfinancing, and create alternative income sources. By addressing the root causes of environmental degradation, DBC-1 aims to reduce reliance on mangroves and enhance community resilience. Indus Delta Capital Limited brings expertise in forest carbon projects, remote sensing, and community development to this vital partnership.
All three of these projects are registered under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), ensuring that their climate impact is authentic and measurable. To make our impact more tangible, we are converting our purchased carbon credits into protected areas within these diverse ecosystems. The size of these areas varies, reflecting each ecosystem’s unique capacity for carbon sequestration. While forests are crucial, grasslands, peatlands, and mangroves are equally important in the fight against climate change; for example, peatlands, though limited in global coverage, hold up to one-third of the world’s soil carbon, making them essential in carbon storage and climate regulation.
Together, through our Play for Green campaign, we are harnessing the power of gaming to make a tangible difference in the fight against climate change. By supporting these critical ecosystems and raising awareness through in-game experiences, we are not just playing for entertainment—we are playing for a purpose. Every step, every action in PUBG MOBILE contributes to protecting our planet's future. Join us in this mission, and together, let's ensure that the world of tomorrow is one we can all be proud of. Play for Green, and be a part of the change.
Note: The calculated protected area represents an estimate based on available data and may be subject to change pending final project verification.
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